Guatemala experiences profound health challenges that stem from a complex interplay of social, economic, and geographic factors. High rates of poverty and gender inequality, coupled with limited healthcare accessibility and a shortage of trained health professionals, worsen already poor health outcomes. Indigenous communities often experience cultural and linguistic barriers to healthcare.
Malnutrition also remains a critical issue in Guatemala, particularly among women and children, and is the number one risk factor for death and disability. Ongoing threats of infectious diseases, including parasitic infections, respiratory infections, and vector-borne diseases, coexist with rising rates of chronic health conditions like diabetes and heart disease.
Through partnerships with local organizations, such as the Antigua Fire Department, Centro de Educacion Especial Alida España de Arana, and Village of Hope Orphanage, we catalyze positive change through targeted and impactful initiatives.
We work with our partners to provide ongoing support and assistance. We also organize regular service trips to Guatemala. During our service trips, we help extend the reach of our partners by focusing on education, increasing access to medical and dental services, and community empowerment. We aim to make a lasting impact on health and wellbeing and help eliminate health disparities in the region.

February 29 - March 10, 2024
This service trip to Guatemala focused on dental services and construction projects. The team consisted of three dentists and additional 20 supporting volunteers. We worked in several rural villages in the high mountains surrounding the Chiquimula area, including Tuticopote, Elopa, and El Duranzo. The dental team provided dental care to over 500 patients, and the construction team worked on building walls and installing roofs on several homes in the community. We also helped facilitate education on oral health.
Trip Dates: October 5-14, 2023
Our third service trip to Guatemala focused on communities surrounding Chiquimula and Senahú. Upon arrival, pro-democracy demonstrations and roadblocks broke out across the entire country that limited our ability to travel within the country. Unable to get to Chiquimula or Senahú, we were routed to Antigua for a few days until we were able to safely travel to Chiquimula. Despite encountering transportation challenges, our 23-person team still had a successful trip thanks to our supportive in-country partners. We held four days of medical and dental clinics in villages surrounding Chiquimula. We also taught a “Stop the Bleed” course, provided health education, distributed hygiene kits, and helped install a number of roofs on village homes.Trip Dates: March 4-12, 2023
In our second service trip to Guatemala, we led a team of 23 volunteers to serve in the San Lucas, La Bolivia, La Vuelta Grande, and Santa Ana areas. We partnered with the the Antigua Fire Department and Village of Hope Orphanage, working hand-in-hand to meet the needs of local communities. We saw around 500 patients in medical clinics, facilitated a virtual music therapy event, provided feminine hygiene education in rural villages, taught a pediatric emergencies course, and began providing education on diabetes, hypertension, nutrition, hygiene, sanitation, and food safety.
Trip Dates: May 15-28, 2022
In our inaugural service trip to Guatemala, we led a team of 34 volunteers to serve in the San Lucas, La Bolivia, La Vuelta Grande, Santa María de Jesús, and Santa Lucía Milpas Altas areas. We partnered with the the Antigua Fire Department and Village of Hope Orphanage, working hand-in-hand to meet the needs of local communities. We saw over 1,500 patients in medical clinics, facilitated hygiene education in rural villages, and provided medical training to local surgeons and staff from the Antigua Fire Department and Village of Hope Orphanage.